Health care

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Sports and Media

Education and training

Retail and Consumer Goods

Mineral resources

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Information and Smart Technology

Insurance and Private Wealth Management

The Internet


————  Mineral resources  ————

We can provide you with targeted normative services in the mining industry that meet the requirements of national laws and regulations.

Industry introduction

He has a very deep understanding and understanding of political management and policy interpretation. He can provide clients with legal services related to the whole industry chain in the field of mineral resources, and can also undertake other difficult and complex mining-related litigation and non-litigation business. Whether it is due diligence of mining rights and mining companies, mining financing, mining project construction, operation and maintenance, mineral product sales, or fund establishment, restructuring, listing, asset securitization, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, mining-related litigation, arbitration and cooperation in the mining field We can systematically analyze the legal risk points of mineral resource projects from the perspectives of legislative trends, industry planning, compliance review, etc. Experience provides practical, customized and targeted solutions.