Health care

Transportation logistics

Sports and Media

Education and training

Retail and Consumer Goods

Mineral resources

Real estate

Information and Smart Technology

Insurance and Private Wealth Management

The Internet


————  Retail and Consumer Goods  ————

We can provide you with multi-dimensional legal advice and related legal services in traditional and new sales fields to ensure the safety of your transactions.

Industry introduction

The new development pattern of "dual circulation" stimulates the domestic consumer market, and retailers and consumers experience unprecedented drastic changes. On the basis of traditional retail, new consumption models and formats such as e-commerce platforms, online celebrity live broadcasts, private domain traffic, and tax-free economy are flourishing. New business models and astute market entrants are changing how consumers shop, what they shop, and even how they live. Retailers offer consumers a multifaceted shopping experience, and consumer needs are constantly evolving.

In this complex consumption environment, the firm has been committed to assisting traditional retailers in the transformation and reconstruction of their business models by virtue of their professional division of labor and industry service experience, providing retailers around the world from different dimensions. , Consumers provide a full range of legal services, including venue leasing/purchasing, intellectual property protection, mergers and acquisitions, financing, unfair competition, personnel compliance, consumer complaint handling, etc. involved in traditional retailing, as well as platform transaction text design derived from new retailing , data security, logistics base construction/distribution, payment security, etc.