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————  Transportation logistics  ————

We can provide you with full legal services in the field of logistics and help you grasp the latest development trends of the country's logistics industry at the legal level.

Industry introduction

Vigorously developing new infrastructure for transportation and logistics is a major deployment for building a strong transportation country and an important support for serving high-quality economic and social development. Transportation and logistics is an important node for building a domestic cycle and the basis for a strategic link between domestic and international dual-cycles. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen the "hard connection" of transportation and logistics. The firm is committed to developing full-process legal services involving all levels of the transportation and logistics industry, continuously promoting the in-depth integration of transportation logistics and manufacturing; continuing to improve professional service capabilities in the fields of cold chain logistics, e-commerce logistics, and aerospace logistics; insisting on transportation logistics and technological innovation Combined, continue to make suggestions for information infrastructure construction, intelligent transportation infrastructure construction, intelligent transportation services, transportation big data applications, and intelligent transportation industry; "Going out" think tank.

The firm can clearly grasp the legal policy orientation and business form of the transportation and logistics industry, gain insight into the regulatory environment and transaction risks in a timely manner, and be good at co-innovating business models with clients to provide personalized legal solutions. Our transportation and logistics industry legal service team spends a lot of time on in-depth analysis and research on the laws and regulations of the transportation and logistics industry, and flexibly applies the research results to practical operations, which are deeply trusted by customers.